Apple VR headset rumors have been circulating for some time now. The advent of viable home VR has opened up a new high-tech digital universe for people to explore. It’s natural for Apple to venture into that market, given the company’s penchant for portable computing. And you’ll soon discover everything that’s known about Apple’s first steps into virtual reality headsets.

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Apple Inc

Apple is a household name at this point. So it’s little wonder that Apple VR headset speculation is such a popular topic. But it’s essential to approach the subject with Apple’s history in mind. Apple Inc. entered the computing market in 1984 with the release of the Macintosh. It was the first popular home computer with a graphical user interface and many other options that are now taken for granted.

The company continued to bring high-tech innovations to the public with the iMac, iPods, iTunes, iPhone, and iPad. Many of these technologies existed before Apple’s products. But Apple is mainly responsible for introducing the general public to personal home computers, smartphones, tablets, and digital media stores. This success has made it the most prominent IT company by revenue. And it sits with Alphabet, Amazon, Meta, and Microsoft as one of the “Big Five” American IT companies.

Apple Enters the Metaverse and Advanced Technology Space

Interest in the metaverse has been growing at a rapid pace. Many of the biggest names in the tech sector have invested vast amounts of money into it. And Apple is perfectly positioned to leverage its brand and technologies to become one of those metaverse companies. The idea of Apple virtual reality has come up in patents going back almost twenty years. And the iPhone itself has an Apple AR (augmented reality) system. With thousands of AR entries in the app store, it’s already the largest AR platform, and Apple’s interest in the subject is always growing.

apple vr headset augmented reality

Image attribution: Apple

RealityOS – Making It Possible for an Apple VR/AR Headset

Apple has always benefitted from its internally developed operating systems like OSX and iOS. An Apple VR headset would probably run something like a realityOS or rOS. In fact, references to a real operating system have been turning up in many of Apple’s software platforms. The speculation bore fruit when Apple put in a trademark application for realityOS. The nature of realityOS is up for debate. It might refer to a system focused on Apple virtual reality or Apple AR. Or it might incorporate elements of both, but it’s clear that Apple has plans for VR and AR.

Video: Apple RealityOS: new OS could power augmented reality headset – The Verge

Leaks Surrounding a Possible Apple VR Headset

One of the more important questions is how close Apple might be to an official release or announcement. The company did show an Apple VR headset to board members in May. This suggests that development might already have reached a somewhat late stage. Some speculate that it might be released in 2023. Leaks have also pointed to augmented reality with an “Apple Glass” system. Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, has stated that he believes augmented reality has more long-term potential than virtual reality. But this was before VR tech had matured to its present state.

apple vr headset leaked features

Image attribution: Ian Zelbo

Apple VR Headset: Rumored Features

There’s a lot of speculation about what an Apple VR headset would look like. It’ll probably share features with current industry leaders. This would mean that it might be about the size of Facebook’s Oculus Quest 2 but utilizing a curved vizor on the front. It’s also probable that it wouldn’t tether to a PC or console. The lack of a tether would enhance user mobility.

Insiders familiar with the current development suggest that it’ll look considerably less bulky than most other VR options. This is partly due to a slimmer display unit that would hold the entirety of the underlying system. A single strap would be all needed to keep the headset in place. However, the battery life on such a slim unit would probably be shorter than many people would expect. Finally, the user interface would probably use either hand tracking or a wearable ring controller.

apple vr headset ar

Image attribution: Apple Insider

Apple VR Headset: When Is the Release Date?

Many advanced metaverse technologies like the NFT have been rapidly growing in popularity. This has made many people think that an official Apple VR headset release might come soon. But most speculation centers on WWDC 2022, starting on June 6th. If it’s going to be released soon, it might be announced. But many sources have reported that Apple has been having enough developmental issues that an AR/VR announcement might be pushed to 2023. In the end, there’s no particular answer about a release date. It could be next year or just a few weeks away.

How the Apple VR Headset Fits Into the Larger VR Landscape

An Apple VR headset would be excellent. But it’s important to remember that VR and the larger metaverse are already here. The Mark Zuckerberg metaverse was many people’s first introduction to the idea. But many metaverse brands have already created continually evolving virtual worlds. Some also offer advanced VR headsets with unique abilities.

The range is large enough that people can discover specific headsets to match their particular usage style. For example, tethered and untethered VR are often distinct. You can learn about other headset options in the article “VR Headsets; Your Complete Guide to the Top Virtual Reality Gear”.

The Larger Digital Ecology of Virtual Reality

One of the most interesting things about the Apple VR headset is how long it’s been in development. Apple might not have the VR product line of other major tech companies. But that should by no means be taken to suggest that Apple hasn’t been active in the field.

The company has been a big player in helping to highlight VR as the next big thing, thanks to its continual interest in the subject. You can delve even deeper into the history of VR and where it’s going in the article “Virtual Reality; Discover VR, Its Components, Technology, and Players”.

Apple VR headset speculation can cover a lot of ground. But in the end, one of the most critical points to keep in mind is that the future holds some fascinating possibilities. And you can be part of it.

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