A content marketing partnership is a joint effort between your company and Metamandrill.com, providing our audience with practical tips, the latest trends, and interesting insights while creating brand awareness for your company. Below are our guidelines and tips to help you get the most out of your knowledge base articles.

Please make sure all articles comply with our guidelines & article format.

About Metamandrill.com

Metamandrill.com provides explanatory and practical information about immersive technologies and related topics.

Metamandrill.com continuously explores, experiences, and discusses immersive technologies, like augmented, virtual, and extended reality, and related subjects like the metaverse and supporting technologies. Then they turn that knowledge into clear articles so others can join them on their journey to the future, where the online and physical worlds merge.

Articles Should Comply With Our Guidelines!

In general, strive to inform and engage, but don’t advertise. Offering useful and actionable information in a lively and readable style will do far more to promote your brand than an old-fashioned marketing pitch. The more authentic and unbiased your article will impact it more.

Below you find the guidelines for writing an article for Metamandrill.com.

  • The content must be related to immersive technologies or related topics. Our audience exists of immersive tech enthusiasts (Awareness, Consideration, Decision stage) and industry professionals.
  • Keep an objective feel to the article; no “advertising tone of voice” or product descriptions are allowed
  • The article should consist of unique text and is exclusively written for Metamandrill.com. Your article will not (partly) be published elsewhere
  • Minimum of 1000 words
  • To keep an objective feel to the article, just mention your brand once within the article
  • 1 external link to your company website is allowed
  • A maximum of 2 internal links to other articles on Metamandrill.com is allowed
  • A maximum of 2 well-known external source links is allowed (links must be relevant and non-commercial. E.g., to backup statistics – Please refer to the source) – Placement is not guaranteed
  • Written in English
  • Please write the article in the “second person” (You, Your, Yours) instead of the “first-person” (I, We, Our)
  • The article must be proofread and edited for clarity, grammar, and spelling!
  • The usage of our Article Format (Please see below)

Tip: Share these guidelines and the article format with your copywriter 🙂

Article Format

Below you will find our article format and tips for writing a successful article for Metamandrill.com.


  • Pithy, punchy to the point
  • Maximum of 69 characters


  • Describe to the point why the subject is important and what the reader will achieve by reading the article
  • No hyperlinks or brand names in the introduction text are allowed
  • Approximately 60 words


  • Write the article in a positive way
  • Use a clear layout: use headings, subheadings, paragraphs, bullet points, and examples
  • Answer questions like, What is, Why important, and How (Preferable practical tips)
  • Keep it informative, supportive, useful, practical, and easy to read
  • Write the article in the “second person” (You, Your, Yours) instead of the “first-person” (I, We, Our)


  • Motivate to follow-up on given knowledge and tips, so desired goals can be achieved
  • No hyperlinks or brand names are allowed in the conclusion
  • Approximately 40 words

Things that work: storytelling narratives, providing practical solutions/ tips, lists, real-life examples
Things that don’t: advertising, industry insider jargon, overly statistical/data-filled reports

Image Requirements

  • When available, you may include a non-branded featured image. Size 1200×628, JPEG or PNG
  • Ensure all content types (e.g., images, videos) are available for public domain use (Copyright free)
  • Video can be embedded inside the article by providing an embed code (YouTube or Vimeo)
  • Please don’t add your brand name or logo within images or videos

No image? Don’t worry. We will select a relevant featured image for your article.

All material needs to be delivered 10 days before the publishing date.


  • Metamandrill.com reserves the right to reject materials that do not comply with our content standards and technical specifications
  • Metamandrill.com reserves the right to make small editorial changes to content in line with Metamandrill.com’s general tone of voice